GREETINGS! it appears you have stumbled upon my very own website! i am CYCLOPAMINE! this website is a personal project of mine and is permanently a work in progress... THANK YOU FOR VISITING! this site is coded for view on COMPUTER so those viewing on mobile may not have the full experience! (☆w☆)


silliest girl on the internet! hi! im cyclopamine, i am an artist and amateur site master. specifically, i am interested in animal mutations, hence my name- cyclopamine, additionally, i like wizards. theyre very silly in my opinion, and are a focus in a lot of my art. i consider myself pretty whimsical, of course this is just my opinion but you know. i am also a zine maker! i need to become more consistant but i am passionate about independent and especially free publications. i i like idkhow because theyre my favorite band and the music project the doopees.
stickers! drag them!
hey there